More coming later.
Captions on the bottom!

The girls :) Left to right, up the back: Amanda, Ellie, Kirsten, me, Cassidy. And in the middle, Bri.
YMCA :D (I'm C, btw.)

Cassidy, me, Ellie, Bri, Amanda, Kirsten.
Amanda and me in the knee-deep tide pool :D
Aaaaaaand now I feel extremely creepy for looking through a bunch of pictures of teenage girls I don't know.
Hooray for the internet.
Thanks, K-nig-it-Wing.
Now I feel really creepy, too, and all I was thinking was "There's no snow. I wish there was no snow, here. It looks like summer. Okay, maybe late spring..."
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Nothing like a bunch of girlfriends and the beach!
Oh and whoever wrote in the sand has great handwriting! I can't even write nicely on a dry erase board LOL. :)
Well, now I just feel creepier =P Looks like it was allot of fun though =) Oh, I just did the big red button thing. Wow, that's funny =P wasted time though... oh well, can't get it back =) Jesus loves you!
The jumping one was neat. Looks you had a lot of fun:]
KnightWing: XD Lols. I don't think you should. At least we weren't all in bathing suits XD
Tragedy101: Hah XD And yes, no snow was really, really nice. I'm sick of it.
Achieve1dream: We did! There is nothing better :)
It was my handwriting! Thank you! I usually have really terrible handwriting, but when I write "Cinderbelle", it usually comes out nice. *shrug* I dunno XD
Tunafish: Lols, you guys are too funny XD And yeah, that button is really funny. But it does take a while XD
Milli: Gracias!
There's no snow. I wish there was no snow, here. It looks like summer. Okay, maybe late spring..
Work from home India
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