Saturday, July 25, 2009

Farewell! (Fairwell?)

Hey! I just got finisned packing my one allowed duffle bag with mid-thigh length shorts and a secret stash of rice krispy treats! I also just washed the dog. Now my hands smell like doggie and shampoo...

I don't think I can post for long, we're doing housework. Tomorrow, a ton of family is coming, including my favorite aunt! And I won't be here! *sob* About the time they're getting here, I'll be almost at our destination...yikes!

Lizzy is pretty nervous, and I'm...*very* surprisingly NOT. I can't believe how UN-nervous I am! I'm totally excited!

OMG! Today is Carpe Noctem Day! I have a whole post to put together! *screams* How am I supposed to think deep and controversial thoughts in like five minutes?

Okay, well, this is the last time I will be posting on Carpe Diem until Saturday, August 1st. If you are going to miss so much you can't wait until then, I, along with all the other youth, will be blogging every (ish) night on the youth trip, and you can read that here. I don't know that you'll be able to comment, though, and I'm *sure* I won't be able to respond.

Please keep me in your prayers this week, and I will talk to you later! Carpe diem!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

I will keep you in your prayers!! Have fun, Kendra!!!
