Friday, December 4, 2009

Twenty-Two Days: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

First, let me draw your attention to the new header! Isn't it great? Thanks, Bethany, you're awesome :)

Second, thank for following Moriah!!

Okay, so today is a "Christmas Thing" day. (The odd numbered days are going to be interesting facts about the number, the even numbered days will be Christmas Things. If anyone has a better name for that, let me know XD)

Tonight, my family and I went to see "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". Some of my friends from "Mulan" were in it!

Well, the pageant was GREAT. It was hilarious and even kind of moving. Imogene Herdman was played by the girl who played Mushu in "Mulan". She did a really wonderful job.

For anyone who doesn't know what the play is about, I'll explain it a little. Every year this small-town church puts on "the Christmas pageant". The preacher's son is always Joseph, and irritating Alice the Perfect is always Mary. This year's pageant is scheduled to be much the same until two things happen:

#1: The lady who always directs it breaks her leg and ends up bedridden.

#2: The five Herdman kids decide they want to participate.

The Herdmans are the worst children in town. No, in the whole WORLD. They lie, steal, cheat, fight, bite, and smoke, and they've NEVER been to church before. Every one of them is plain mean, from oldest to youngest they just get worse.

They crash the pageant auditions, and, through questionable means, land all the main parts in the play!

This is either going to be the worst, or...

"The Best Christmas Pageant Ever".

It's a really fun book (yeah, it was a book first), but the play was even better. I'd recommend it to anyone! It's a quick read and definitely worth it.

And that was my "Christmas Thing" for today!



Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

wow, your profile pic. Is that you?

Emily Ann said...

Now that you have your header I can better design your background. I'll give you the HTML code soon.

Merry CHRISTmas!!!


Lady Brainsample said...

LOVE Best Christmas Pageant ever. It's a great book too.

Anonymous said...

20 actually...

Kendra Logan said...

Bleah: No...It's just a cute anime picture I found.

***Emily***: Hey, awesome! Thanks!

Keep the Christ :)

Lady Brainsample: I love it, too! So quick and simple, but great.

Limer: Nope, I counted XD

Kendra Logan said...

**Bleah: OH! I just saw what you meant! Sorry, haha, I didn't realize that when I changed my gmail picture it changed my picture where I'm following stuff. Yeah, that one's me XD

Izori said...

hey, I've seen that play before!